About Us

The Journey

Many newly established home kitchens are equipped with only the most basic tools, such as forks, knives, spoons, one frying pan, a pot, and a spatula. These essentials suffice perfectly for occasional lemon squeezing or cooking for a single person.

As your culinary journey progresses and the need to feed more mouths arises, you'll find that additional equipment becomes necessary to enhance the efficiency and capability of your kitchen. Whether you've developed an interest in diverse food cultures, aspire to participate in the Pillsbury Bake-Off Contest, or simply want to elevate your cooking skills, we have you covered.

Our Products

EsaShopia offers a wide range of tools to cater to all stages of the kitchen journey. Whether you've just taken flight from the nest, recently started your working life, or have developed a profound passion for cooking and baking, you'll find the tools and inspiration you need to create your dream kitchen life.

Just as cooks come in different shapes and sizes, so do our kitchen tools. Our selection features products in various materials and styles to suit the hands of every type of chef.

Safety is one of our highest priorities in the kitchen, and we have taken it into account when choosing products. This applies to product materials, hygiene and use.

From our thoughtfully curated collection of quality products, you can discover everyday facilitators and solutions to the various challenges your kitchen may face.

We're eager to hear your thoughts and answer any questions you have about our products and services. Feel free to reach out to us through the chat in the right-hand corner of the page, via email at care@esashopia.com, or by using our contact form.

Our Story

EsaShopia is a family-owned business, managed by a married couple who share a passion for cooking and eating. Before they met, both had one-sided diets, each believing their approach was healthy. Mr. preferred lots of protein but not many veggies, while Ms. favored plenty of veggies and too much sugar. 

As their eating habits merged, they discovered a mutual love for preparing healthy dishes from simple ingredients. On special occasions, we enjoy spending extra time in the kitchen, surprising each other with favorite dishes and new cakes.

The female half of our team adores browsing through delicious food and baking pictures, while the male half takes pleasure in grocery shopping and deciding what to cook. Our children love tasting and eating, and they're beginning to learn their way around the kitchen as well.

Read More

EsaBlogia, our official blog, is the place where we take a dive into the history of the kitchen. Learn about the cooking methods of earlier times, prepare yourself a meal from the beginning of the 19th century, and find out why cutlery is used differently on various continents.

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